O.C. Pepper Spray Permit

O.C. Pepper Spray Training and life-time Permit $65.00  – By Appointment Only for groups or individuals.

OC Pepper Spray Course is 2 hours of comprehensive training specifically designed for Law Enforcement, Security Officers, and other industry professionals. You will gain detailed information in the use of all types and forms of Oleoresin Capsicum aerosol projectors. This course covers all aspects involved in the selection, preparation, deployment, storage, use of force, and legal ramifications regarding the use of all OC products. You will also acquire specific information on recommended OC products, including all formulations, blends, and spray patterns. This course covers use of OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) and CS (Tear Gas) blends. The Course Completion Card issued upon successful course completion is good for life. Upon successful completion of this course you will be provided with a certification card. This course certifies you on the use Oleoresin Capsicum Aerosol Projectors under CA BSIS Requirements.

Required Gear: Valid Photo Identification

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